Behind The Scenes of "Bloodmoney"
A behind the scenes look at the production of Victor Martini’s “Bloodmoney” (Blutgeld). The intention behind the film was to criticize the economic system and explore the question whether humans are power-hungry beings by nature. “Bloodmoney” has won numerous prices, including “Best Indie Short” at the New York Int. Film Awards. Main character of the film is Phillip Ackermann (played by Michael Marwitz), a seemingly generous, respectable business man, who is in reality involved in all kinds of very questionable deals, which he justifies with his own interpretation of “survival of the fittest”. This works, until his secretary (played by me) starts having childhood flashbacks and decides to confront him…
Die Idee
According to Victor, the idea behind the film was criticizing the economic system. He wanted to thematize the fact that this system is characterized by the pursuit of power and wealth. Big companies have the most impact and aren’t afraid of oppressing people and break laws in order to maximize their profit. The film outlines this system, compares humans to other animals and addresses the question, whether humankind is responsible for its gruesome actions or if nature created humans as evil beings.
Die Crew
Our (due to Corona) small but amazing crew, consisted of Victor Martini (direction), Michael Olm (camera), Stella Russo (production assistant), Carla Wehner (BTS), Fenja Melzer (light) und Victor Keilhack (sound). The characters were played by Michael Marwitz (Philipp Ackermann), Robin Czerny (Florian Fuhrmann), Matthias Eberle (Martin Ackermann), Stefan Wendel (Uwe Kalb) and I had the honor of playing Stephanie Müller. The beautiful film poster was taken and designed by the photographer Daniel Dornhöfer. I learned so much from this crew and feel very grateful, that I got to be part of the team!
Der Dreh
The film was shot in a beautiful, old mansion in Wiesbaden. Over the course of three days we had the chance to get creative in there from morning till evening. My main shooting location, the office, was perfectly furnished for the character Ackermann: dark colors, rather old-fashioned, many books about biology, physics and mathematics and other things, that the character would most likely enjoy a lot. Still, the office quickly became my favorite spot in the entire house: namely after I discovered the big, warm heater behind the door. Some of my other highlights include the selfie battles with Michael and Michael, the spontaneous photoshoots with Carla, Robin’s film festival stories and many many more…